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Musk Crosses Zuckerberg To Be World's Third-Richest Person, After Tesla Stock Split

Bloomberg Billionaires Index” data-reactid=”19″>Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA) CEO Elon Musk is now the third richest person in the world ahead of Facebook Inc (NASDAQ: FB) co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, according to Bloomberg Billionaires Index

The billionaire entrepreneur’s wealth has risen by $87.8 billion this year alone, caused primarily by a nearly 500% spike in Tesla’s stock in the same period.

largest corporate payment packages between a CEO and a company’s boards.” data-reactid=”22″>In July, Musk received $2.1 billion in stock benefits as Tesla’s market capitalization hit the $150 mark. The executive benefits from one of the largest corporate payment packages between a CEO and a company’s boards.

The automaker’s shares have been popular with retail investors in the United States and abroad during the boom in equities seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, Bloomberg noted.

AMZN) CEO Jeff Bezos, who was estimated to be worth $204.68 billion in August, according to Forbes.

MSFT) co-founder Bill Gates in the centibillionaire’s club. 

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