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Trade Alert: The Lead Independent Director Of Black Hills Corporation (NYSE:BKH), Steven Mills, Has Just Spent US$273k Buying 38% More Shares

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NYSE:BKH) should definitely note that the Lead Independent Director, Steven Mills, recently paid US$54.63 per share to buy US$273k worth of the stock. That’s a very decent purchase to our minds and it grew their holding by a solid 38%.” data-reactid=”28″>Investors who take an interest in Black Hills Corporation (NYSE:BKH) should definitely note that the Lead Independent Director, Steven Mills, recently paid US$54.63 per share to buy US$273k worth of the stock. That’s a very decent purchase to our minds and it grew their holding by a solid 38%.

Check out our latest analysis for Black Hills ” data-reactid=”29″> Check out our latest analysis for Black Hills

Black Hills Insider Transactions Over The Last Year

Notably, that recent purchase by Steven Mills is the biggest insider purchase of Black Hills shares that we’ve seen in the last year. That means that an insider was happy to buy shares at around the current price of US$55.21. While their view may have changed since the purchase was made, this does at least suggest they have had confidence in the company’s future. While we always like to see insider buying, it’s less meaningful if the purchases were made at much lower prices, as the opportunity they saw may have passed. The good news for Black Hills share holders is that insiders were buying at near the current price.

Black Hills insiders may have bought shares in the last year, but they didn’t sell any. You can see the insider transactions (by companies and individuals) over the last year depicted in the chart below. If you click on the chart, you can see all the individual transactions, including the share price, individual, and the date!


list of companies. (Hint: insiders have been buying them).” data-reactid=”49″>There are always plenty of stocks that insiders are buying. So if that suits your style you could check each stock one by one or you could take a look at this free list of companies. (Hint: insiders have been buying them).

Does Black Hills Boast High Insider Ownership?

Another way to test the alignment between the leaders of a company and other shareholders is to look at how many shares they own. I reckon it’s a good sign if insiders own a significant number of shares in the company. It appears that Black Hills insiders own 0.7% of the company, worth about US$24m. We’ve certainly seen higher levels of insider ownership elsewhere, but these holdings are enough to suggest alignment between insiders and the other shareholders.

So What Does This Data Suggest About Black Hills Insiders?

2 warning signs for Black Hills (1 can’t be ignored) you should be aware of.” data-reactid=”53″>It’s certainly positive to see the recent insider purchases. And the longer term insider transactions also give us confidence. Insiders likely see value in Black Hills shares, given these transactions (along with notable insider ownership of the company). So these insider transactions can help us build a thesis about the stock, but it’s also worthwhile knowing the risks facing this company. For instance, we’ve identified 2 warning signs for Black Hills (1 can’t be ignored) you should be aware of.

list of interesting companies.” data-reactid=”54″>Of course, you might find a fantastic investment by looking elsewhere. So take a peek at this free list of interesting companies.

Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email [email protected].” data-reactid=”56″>This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned.

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