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Tesla The 13th Most Valuable Stock On US Exchanges, Leading Auto Competitors

13th most valuable company trading on American exchanges.” data-reactid=”19″>Tesla Inc.’s (NASDAQ: TSLA) market cap now stands at $382.04 billion, making it the 13th most valuable company trading on American exchanges.

Tesla rallied past the $2,000 per share mark Thursday and ended the week at $2,049.98.

GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) and Berkshire Hathaway Inc (NYSE: BRK-A) (NYSE: BRK-B), have two classes of shares trading among the most valuable U.S. stocks. 

GM) and Nikola Corporation (NASDAQ: NKLA) combined. Those auto stocks have market caps of $40.87 billion and $39.37 billion, respectively.

registrations of China-made Teslas fell 24% month-over-month in July. ” data-reactid=”28″>On Monday, it was reported that registrations of China-made Teslas fell 24% month-over-month in July. 

On Thursday, when Tesla shares hit the $2,000 mark, Benzinga reported on a surge in Tesla call option purchases. 

told Benzinga.” data-reactid=”30″>“Actually … someone is buying a LOT of 8/21 $2,100 call options,” GLJ Research founder Gordon Johnson told Benzinga.

“This has been going on a LOT (i.e., someone buying way out of the money short-dated call options, which forces the person writing these options to buy stock), which has pushed the stock up consistently.”

General Motors is planning to disrupt the segment with its GMC Hummer EV next year. Detroit could also have plans for an electric Corvette, which Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden let slip in a campaign ad.

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