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New Pictures Show Tesla's Progress At Gigafactory Berlin

TSLA) is likely to complete is Gigafactory Berlin. It’s Tesla’s first European factory, which should help the company ramp up deliveries on the continent. 

Newly surfaced pictures show that progress is occurring rapidly at the construction site. 

Twitter has shared some pictures they said were taken while hiking near the factory site on Wednesday. The images show a paint building, a hazmat area and other progress. ” data-reactid=”21″>A user on Twitter has shared some pictures they said were taken while hiking near the factory site on Wednesday. The images show a paint building, a hazmat area and other progress. 

Tesla made quick progress on Gigafactory Shanghai, and it appears that Gigafactory Berlin is following suit.

Tesla is also in the beginning stages of Gigafactory Texas, which itself is showing rapid progress. The Gigafactory Berlin is expected to initially produce Model Y, followed by the Model 3, and also to have its own battery production nearby. 

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